Teekew connects wedding vendors with clients. Vendors such as Photographers, Caterers, Bakers, Florists, etc. create profiles to showcase their services. These profile pages often serve as mini-websites for those vendors that don’t already have websites. They can manage their availability through a simple intuitive calendar. Additionally, vendors manage their “referral-fee” they are willing to pay other vendors that refer clients to them. This is at the heart of Teekew.
The website allows referrals to take place by allowing vendors to search for one-another, review specific services, reviews, etc. to narrow down their “short-list” of vendors to refer their clients to. Once they select them, the website facilitates the communication between the client and the potential vendors. As deals are made between the client and the referred vendors, again, the Teekew website takes over and ensure that all associated referral fees are sent to the appropriate parties. With this system in place, the Client, The Referring Vendor and the Referred Vendor all win!

Wedding Referral Portal
Extensive Membership Based Portal
Cross-Referral Program for Wedding Vendors
Complex Financial Transaction Setup with Referrers & Referees Receiving Separate Commissions from Client Payments
Custom Calendar & Event Booking System
A-Z Wedding Referral Management
Complex Search
Search Capabilities Well Beyond Typical Site Searches
Searches Delivery Customized Results
Ability to Dynamically Filter on any Characteristic
Speed of Search Was Paramount
Sponsored Search Result Capabilities

Rapid Design & Development
Speed of Delivery was Extremely Important
Critical to Launch Before Wedding Season
Critical to Launch Before Competitors
Essential that All Functionality Thoroughly Tested to Ensure Quick Adoption Upon Launch